Education or health education is the process by which people are able to improve and improve their health. Education or the process of providing information aims to change one's understanding. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of telehealth-based education on understanding pulmonary TB in high-risk families in the working area of the Tumbu-Tumbu Jaya Health Center in South Konawe in 2022. This type of research was a pre-experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were 40 families at high risk of pulmonary tuberculosis. The research sample is a total population of 40 respondents. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of telehealth-based education on respondents' understanding based on the paired t test sample, there is an increase in the respondent's selling ability (p-value = 0.000 <0.05), emphasis (p-value = 0.000 <0.05), and exploration (p-value = 0.000 <0.05). In addition, the results of this study also showed that there was an effect of providing telehelath-based education on increasing respondents' understanding based on the characteristics of respondents at the age of 20-35 years (p=0.000), junior high school education (p=0.017), high school education (p=0.000), college education tall (p=0.041), housewife (p=0.003), farmer (p=0.041). Fisherman work (p=0.017), private entrepreneur work (p=0.005). Meanwhile, there was no effect of providing telehealth-based education at age >35 years (p=0.212), elementary school education (p=0.083) and civil servant jobs (p=0.180). Health workers at the Tumbu-Tumbu Jaya Health Center are expected to use telehealth-based education as an effort to increase family or community understanding in a sustainable manner. Thus, understanding can last a long time and support the success of health promotion programs
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