• Andi Sri Hastuti Handayani Usman Akademi Kebidanan Paramata Raha
Keywords: Risk factors, Cortisol, Gestational hypertension


Hypertension ranks the second leading cause of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity globally. The occurrence of hypertension is 70% due to uncomplicated gestational hypertension/preeclampsia. This study aims to analyze risk factors that can cause increase of cortisol hormone, and the relationship between cortisol and gestational hypertension. This research used the analytic observational study design with case control method. The samples (50 respondents) were selected with consecutive sampling technique. The study was conducted at Siti Fatimah, Pertiwi, Sitti Khadijah 1 Local Special Hospital for Mothers and Children in Makassar, and the Teaching Hospital Laboratory of Hasanuddin University from 2 to 30 October 2017. The samples included 20 samples of normal pregnant women and 30 samples of pregnant women with gestational hypertension (including 20 samples with single pregnancy and 10 samples with multiple pregnancy). The instruments were questionnaires for demographic data, Kessler psychological distress scale questionnaire (K10), and ELISA kit. Salivary cortisol hormone levels were examined using the ELISA method. The data were analyzed using independent t test and Mann Whitney U test to assess the comparison. Chi Square and Fisher exact tests were also used  to analyze the correlation, and  odds ratio was used to assess the strength of the correlation. The simple linear regression test was used to examine the causal relationship between independent and dependent variable. The results show that stress is the risk factor of cortisol hormone increase with p value = 0.000 (p <0.05); OR = 12.267; while parity and multiple pregnancy are not the risk factor of cortisol hormone increase. There is a significant correlation between the levels of cortisol hormone and gestational hypertension with p value = 0.000 (p <0.05); OR = 20,000.


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