• Ulva Noviana Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Ngudia Husada Madura
Keywords: produksi ASI


Breast Milk (ASI) is the most perfect
food for the baby, where the nutritional content
in accordance with the need for intelligence.
Breast milk contains antibody substances that
are useful for preventing infectious bowel
disease and optimal digestion of growth and
development. Based on the preliminary study of
November 2017 on 10 primiparous postpartum
women, there were 7 postpartum mothers
producing less milk. The objectives of the study
analyzed the differences in breast milk
production in postpartum women before and
after being given a successful breastfeeding
This study used pre experimental design
with one group pretest postest model of
independent variables Package "Sukses ASI" and
the dependent variable was milk production. The
population of this study were 20 primiparous
postpartum women and the samples were 19
primiparous mothers using random sampling
The results showed that most of the
Asylum production mothers were less than
before the "Successful Breastfeeding" package
with mean of 4.21 and most of Asi's postpartum
mothers were fluent after being given the
"Successful Breastfeeding" package with mean
of 7.89. Based on statistical test with paired ttest obtained p value = 0.000, where this value is
smaller than alpha 0,05 so H1 was accepted,
meaning that there was difference of milk
production before and after given packet of
success of ASI
It is expected to provide inputs for
health workers to increase breastfeeding
production in primiparous postpartum mothers.
This package will be more effective if the delivery
of health education not only with edge leafleat
by using video. For the people of this "Successful
Breastfeeding" package people can become
aware of the importance of breastfeeding


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