Teknik Relaksasi Aromaterapi Lavender terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Post Sectio Caesarea

  • Nurfantri Nurfantri Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari
  • Muhaimin Saranani Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari
  • Chicilia Iluh Virayanti Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari
Keywords: post section caesarea, pain level, aromatherapy, lavender


Background: Sectio caesarea (SC) is a surgical procedure performed to remove the fetus by opening the abdominal wall and uterine wall. This surgical procedure will leave a condition, namely an incision wound such as a post-cesarean section suture wound. The presence of wounds in post-cesarean section patients will cause discomfort in the form of complaints of pain. Handling labor pain can be done through various methods, namely pharmacological therapy such as the use of analgesics and various non-pharmacological therapies. Non-pharmacological therapy can be used as support in pain management, such as deep breathing relaxation techniques, hypnobirthing, acupressure, water birth, stimulation and massage, ice and heat therapy, and aromatherapy. The mechanism for administering relaxation techniques with aromatherapy is much faster because administration through the nose/smell has direct contact with parts of the brain, especially the limbic system in the brain (hypothalamus) which is capable of producing endorphin hormones and has pain relieving properties and serotonin which has a numbing effect. anxiety and tension caused by aromatherapy. Purpose: Apply lavender aromatherapy relaxation techniques to the level of pain in patients with Post Sectio Caesarea. Benefits: It is hoped that after giving lavender aromatherapy to post-cesarean section patients, the level of pain will decrease. Method: This case study illustrates how the application of lavender aromatherapy relaxation techniques affects the level of pain in post-cesarean section patients. This descriptive case study was carried out using an observational approach on a sample of Sectio caesarea patients. Results: These results prove that the administration of aromatherapy is effective in reducing the level of pain from severe pain to moderate pain which is characterized by subjective complaints of reduced pain and the patient's pain scale assessment shows a decrease before the implementation of nursing was 7 and after it was carried out to 4. Conclusion: The pain level decreased from weight became moderate in post-cesarean section mothers after being given lavender aromatherapy for 3 days. Suggestion: This research can increase knowledge in dealing with pain levels in post-cesarean section mothers by providing lavender aromatherapy.
