Efektivitas Breathing Exercise Terhadap Penilaian Tingkat Kelelahan Pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner

  • Rahmad Wahyudi
Keywords: CHD, Breathing excercise, ICU


 Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
causes the coronary arteries to narrow and the
consumption of O2 to the tissues decreases so
that anaerobic metabolism produces lactic acid
which causes fatigue as one of the effects or
symptoms of CHD. In the preliminary study,
250 people experienced CHD with complaints
of fatigue of 125-150 people. The purpose of
this study was to analyze differences in the level
of fatigue before and after breathing exercise in
coronary heart disease patients in the ICU
SYAMRABU Hospital Bangkalan. Method:
This study uses an "Experimental" design with
the One Group Pre Test - Post Test design
approach. The variable of this study was
Breathing Exercise (independent variable) and
the level of fatigue in CHD patients (dependent
variable). Data was taken on the entire
population of CHD patients in the ICU
SYAMRABU Bangkalan Hospital with an
estimated 21 respondents with a total sample of
20 respondents. Sampling technique uses
accidental sampling technique and data
collection using observation sheet with fatique
scale, The Results were analyzed using the
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with α (0.05). The
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis showed
that there were differences in the level of fatigue
between before and after breathing exercise in
CHD patients in the ICU SYAMRABU
Bangkalan Hospital with significant results (ρ =
0.002) <α (0.05). Health workers are expected
to be able to help CHD patients by creating an
activity program such as breathing exercise that
can be introduced first through providing
counseling or direct giving to patients so that
people, families and patients with CHD know
and know about the picture of CHD, both from
symptoms, the sign arrived at the stage of how


