The Relationship Of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Body Temperature With Outcome Of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients

  • M. suhron Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Ngudia Husada Madura
Keywords: Mean arterial pressure, suhu tubuh, nilai GCS, hemorrhagic stroke


Stroke is a circulatory disorders in the brain that causes impaired brain function. The
increase in MAP and body temperature that occurs after stroke, suspected has correlations
with the result of bad outcome of GCS. The result of preliminary study showed that 6 (60%)
from 10 respondents had a bad outcome of GCS, that was coma. The purpose of this study
was to analyze relationship of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and body temperature with
outcome of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in hemorrhagic stroke patients.
This research design was analitic with approach of crosssectional. The independent
variables were MAP and body temperature. The dependent variable was outcome of GCS.
The population in this research had 22 respondents. The samples taken were 21 respondents.
The sampling used systematic random sampling. The instruments in this study were
observations sheet and SOPs. The statistical test used Spearman Rank with α ≤ 0,05.
The result of statistical test used Spearman Rank for relationship of MAP with outcome
of GCS obtained Pvalue of 0,045 so that the significance was smaller than the error level
(0,045<0,05). While for relationship of body temperature with outcome of GCS obtained
Pvalue of 0,000 so that the significance was smaller than the error level (0,000<0,05). Both
of them can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted so there were
relationship of MAP and body temperature with outcome of GCS in hemorrhagic stroke
Based on the result of the study, this study is expected to the power of nursing can
sustain value of good MAP and body temperature for hemorrhagic stroke patients to prevent
bad outcome of GCS.
