Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Demensia Pada Lansia

  • Alvin Abdillah Stikes Ngudia Husada madura
Keywords: Dementia, Health Education, Elderly


 Dementia is a sindrom which is characterization
with loss of intelectual capacity, involving is not only
cognitive but also leaguange, visospasial ability,
personality memory too. Factors that can affect the
onset of dementia such as knowledge, persepsion,
motivation, information and environment. From each
factors can be caused of loss in prevention behavior on
elderly. To know the influence of health education in
prevention of dementia.
The Research design of this study is pra
exsperiments approach with pre post test. The amount
of population in this reaseach is 21 elderly in posyandu
elderly. From 21 elderly people was taken 16 sample
and the Technique of collectin data was used simple
random sampling.
The result of this research showed that there is
increase in dementia prevention behavior before and
after health education was given. Results of statistical
tests Pairs t-test with a p-value of 0.05 means 0.000 <
H1 accepted means there is influence between before
and after health education is given to the prevention of
dementia on the elderly behavior.
The next researchers expected results of this
research can serve as preliminary studies to develop
other research especially on the influence of health
education on behaviors of elderly in the prevention of
dementia, in addition, this is should be supported by
puskesmascuold be joined giving healt education as
effort in prevention on elderly, further research needs
to be done by expanding the other variables that can
affect the behavior of the elderly in order to get better
