Gambaran tingkat kemandirian personal Hygien pada penderita kusta

  • Nisfil Mufida Stikes Ngudia Husada madura
Keywords: Personal Hygiene, Leprosy, Ability


 Personal hygiene is one of action
tomaintainthe clean lines sandhealthy of a person
for physical and psychological wellfare. Fulfillment of
personal hygiene required for individual comfort,
safety, and health. Personal hygiene needed bothin
people who is health and in people who is sick. Most
of the respondents had less personal hygiene. The
purpose of this study is to describethe degree of
independence of personal hygienein leprosy
patients. This research method is descriptive with
survey approach. The variable is leprosy personal
hygiene. The number of samples is 15 respondents
of lepers. The sampling usingthe total population, the
instrument is a questionnaire.The results of the study
most of therespondents have less personal
hygiene13 people (86.66%). Then, it can be
described that personal hygiene of lepers at the
Tangungguh village is notqualify inpersonal hygiene
needs. With the results of this study are expected
that leprosy patients can understand about an effort
in clean living to decrease leprosy. And for health
workers and related institution related agencies
should further expandthe study of efforts to increase
public understanding of leprosy patient primarily one
fortsinclean living. For further research can
beusedas a referencein the development of
subsequentscientific work.
