Dampak Latihan Self Efficacy Terhadap Kemampuan Self Care Pasien Di Ruang Interna Rsud Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebuh Bangkalan

  • muhammad Suhron Stikes Ngudia Husada madura
Keywords: Self care ability, self efficacy excercise, nursing


 Nursing ability to prevent and minimize
themselves due to the risk of a disease is not the
same on every person. One theory that is being
developed in the world of nursing theory Dorothea
Elisabeth Orem is that the theory of self-care. Based
on preliminary studies obtained largely self-care
abilities of patients in interne room is low. The
purpose of this study to analyze differences in the
ability of self-care in patients before and after selfefficacy

exercise. This type of research is the preexperimental

with one-group pre-post test design.
The samples used were 15 people with a purposive
sampling technique. Data collection was conducted
using a checklist sheet classification of self care
ability and Wilcoxon test to see the difference. The
statistical result is obtained p-value (0,001) < α
(0,05) which means that H1 is accepted and H0 is
rejected or there are difference in the ability of selfcare

before and after self-efficacy exercise in the
interne room Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebuh
Bangkalan. This was caused by the self-efficacy
exercise can affect cognitive, motivational, affective,
and selection.
In connection with the development of theory
in nursing, it is expected that health workers to better
understand the importance of improving the ability of
self-care to maintain the normal function of the body
by making self-efficacy exercise as a measure of
nursing care at the Hospital

