Hubungan antara usia dan riwayat abortus dengan kejadian plasenta previa Pada ibu bersalin

  • Hammimatus Zainiyah Stikes Ngudia Husada madura
Keywords: baby, baby massage, physiological









 Jaundice can occur in any baby, either
because of the lack of touch or massage so baby is
lazy to breastfed making the liver ability to process
bilirubin decreased and eventually happened
jaundice. Based on the results of preliminary
studies in BPS Ayu, from 10 infants aged 3-7
days showed 3 babies (30%) did not have
physiological jaundice and 7 infants (70%) had
physiological jaundice. The purpose of the study
was to analyze the correlation between baby
massage with physiological jaundice in infants aged
3-7 days at BPS Ayu Surabaya.This study uses an
analytical correlation method with cross-sectional
approach Collecting data using observation sheets,
the data taken on all populations of infants aged 37

days at BPS Ayu Pakal Surabaya by 40
respondents and samples taken 36 respondents.
The results were analyzed using frequency
distributions using cross tabulation test and Lambda.
The results showed that, most of who are massaged
well were 19 respondents (52.8%), most of who are
not jaundiced were 21 respondents (58.3%). The
analysis Lambda shows that the results of ρ value
was p value (0.002) <α (0.05) so that Ho is rejected,
which means there is correlation between baby
massage with pphysiological jaundice in infants
aged 3-7 days at BPS Ayu Surabaya. Expected to
midwifes, or health professionals give advice to
mothers on the prevention and treatment the
incident of jaundice, one of them is by teaching
the proper baby massage technique.
